Saturday, July 20, 2013

2 1/2 years old!!

I can't believe in 4 short days my baby will officially be 2 1/2!! It seriously makes me cry, that boy is growing up way to fast for sure. I thought we were due for and update on little mister Hudson.

Weight: around 30 lbs. We haven't gone to the doctor in a little bit, but our home scale is usually between 29-31
Height: [according to home scale] 36 Inches
Teeth: 18. your bottom two "2 year old molars" have come through recently. Now just working on the top 2. 
Diaper:gonezo...been gonezo for a long time too :) Im so happy we will have had almost a year of NO diapering before your brother arrives. Thanks buddy.
Clothes: 2t fits perfect, but were starting to incorporate 3t just so we can get longer wear out of it.
Shoe: 8!!!
Hair: blondie. we let it kinda grow out for a little bit and the ends were going WHITE! Not sure from the sun or not, but your daddy was a toe head growing up and I think you will be too.
Eyes: blue :)
Favorite foods: pizza, peanut butter, mac a noodles, BREAD. seriously kid I think you could live off of bread. You love frozen fruit, and peaches and bananas. 
Favorite toys:  still all your cars/trucks/dump trucks/ etc.
Favorite activities: you have really gotten into pretending lately and you like to act like different animals. 

 What you've been up to:
 Two is such a fun age!

  • your still a very picky eater. Sometimes you surprise us and eat a TON, but then you wont eat very well for the next few meals which is apparently normal. I just wish you liked to eat more.
  • You can count to ten..sometimes 15, now your alphabet, colors, shapes, you memorize songs like crazy, you like to sing us songs all the time too. 
  • You talk better then anyone I swear. People can hold full on conversation with you and people you don't know understand basically everything you say. Your kinda shy, but around people you know your crazy!
  • Your big in pretending. You always "cook" us breakfast on your work bench. (maybe we should have gotten a kitchen instead?) you make up random scenarios and make us do crazy things, were usually an animal for majority of the day. 
  • You love to go swimming, get wet, play with the house. and all that good summer stuff.
  • YOU CAN RIDE YOUR BIKE!! You have been a scooter fanatic since easter and you got a bike with training wheels from great grandma at Christmas. For a long time we just kinda helped you ride. But now you can go for a good distance all by yourself :)
  • You love to help cook in the kitchen. 
  • Your getting so excited to be a big brother. You say Hi to your brother a lot and give my belly kisses. Its adorable. 
There is so much more, I could go on forever. But for now its just a short update. Cant believe your getting bigger and bigger every day. Love you to the moon and back dude!

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1 comment:

  1. Love the pics! Can't wait to see him with his baby brother :-)
